Prevention Services

Our Prevention Services are grant funded through the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Wood County Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board, and the United Way of Greater Toledo.

The Prevention Team supports the healthy development of children birth through eight years old with programs for their families, caregivers, and teachers.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC)
IECMHC is provided on site to early care and education programs throughout Northwest Ohio, working alongside parents at times as well. These coaching services are designed to help early childhood professionals build capacity in their ability to support the social/emotional development of young children, birth through 8 years old. If you are an early childhood professional and interested in receiving IECMH training, please complete the request form here or click the button below.

Parenting Programs
CRC offers a variety of educational programs for parents and primary caregivers of children birth through 8 years old. Parents and caregivers learn how to raise children in safe, stable, and healthy environments, as well as how to deal with tantrums and fights by using appropriate discipline techniques. All curriculums are evidence-based and are facilitated in-person and/or virtually via home-based, group, or seminar formats. All free of charge with childcare provided. Current curriculums include:

  • Family Support | A home-based service that offers coaching and support to caregivers using the Triple P Standard curriculum. This program is offered to caregivers of children up to 8 years old.

  • ACT: Raising Safe Kids | Teaches positive parenting skills to parents and caregivers with children from birth to age 10 in an online, group format. ACT focuses on the important role of adults in shaping children’s early environment and experiences.

  • Primary Care Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) | Assists parents and caregivers in developing plans to manage behavioral issues in the safe environment of their child’s primary care/pediatric office, on the phone, or virtually. Provided in 4-5, 30-minute sessions over a period of 4-6 weeks.

Abuse Prevention Programs
School-based prevention services include the Preschool Sexual Abuse Prevention Project (SAPP) for children ages 4-5 and the Child Abuse Prevention Project (CAPP) for children in grades K-12. CRC staff provides basic training and coordinate curriculum materials for school staff who deliver the programs.

Prevention Newsletter - The ECMHLink

The ECMHLink is a monthly newsletter written by our Prevention team. We encourage parents, guardians, and caregivers to check it out for additional resources on nurturing young children. Read the latest edition below:

  • "I am so glad that I was sent to utilize this program. Everyone that has family issues or behavior problems need to go through this program. All parents should also have the parenting class. This was the best!"

    Family Support and Parent Education Client

  • "It has been helpful at providing the structure and outline to help me be a more assertive parent to my kiddo with big emotions. I feel so much more confident now as a parent."

    Primary Care Triple P Client

  • "We talk about safe touches often, usually initiated by my child. I am so happy about this."

    SAPP Client Parent

Our Prevention Services are grant funded through the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Wood County Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board, and the United Way of Greater Toledo. All Prevention Services are free and clients are not required to complete a Mental Health Assessment (MHA) to participate.